Author Archives: Ngoc Luzardo

About Ngoc Luzardo

My given spiritual name is "The Illuminator" meaning one who helps enlighten others to understand and see through the illusions of this world and of one's self. My Vietnamese birth name "Ngoc" means "diamond" or "precious stone" and my Venezuelan married name "Luzardo" means "ardent light" so "diamond with ardent light" is my official human name. You can learn more about me and what I do at:

Kundalini Yoga – Lotus Pose (2nd)

The Kundanlini yoga version of Lotus pose (as demonstrated by Ana Brett in Kundalini Yoga: A Journey Through the Chakras) works on your second chakra and physical and mental balance. If you are not familiar with the chakra system, please read the Yoga article before attempting to do this pose.

Tips: To see a larger image of any picture below, click the picture. It is not necessary to look exactly like the picture shown. Approximate a pose as best as you can, or follow the modified version of the pose (if available) if a pose is too difficult. Poses should get easier over time with regular practice. The goal is to eventually look like the pictures below.

Pose Modified
1. Wrap the first two fingers (index and middle finger) of each hand around the big toe of each foot. To modify this pose, place your hands under your knees.

Alternatively, you can lean back on your elbows.

2.  Pull your legs up and out as straight as you can (bent knees okay). Lift your legs up holding under your knees, keeping your knees bent.

Or, if leaning back on your elbows, lift up your legs as straight as you can (bent knees okay)

3. Sink your sacrum, stare straight ahead, and do the Breath of Fire for 1-2 minutes.
4. Inhale deeply, exhale and ease out of it by lowering your legs to the floor and then put them out in front of you and bounce your legs up and down. Then turn your feet side to side to shake them out.