Kundalini Yoga – Aura Pose (8th)

The Kundanlini yoga version of Crown pose (as demonstrated by Ana Brett in Kundalini Yoga: A Journey Through the Chakras) works on your eighth center or aura chakra. If you are not familiar with the chakra system, please read the Yoga article before attempting to do this pose.

Tips: To see a larger image of any picture below, click the picture. It is not necessary to look exactly like the picture shown. Approximate a pose as best as you can, or follow the modified version of the pose (if available) if a pose is too difficult. Poses should get easier over time with regular practice. The goal is to eventually look like the pictures below.

1. Interlace your hands. Women should have the right little finger on the bottom, left thumb crossed over the right. Men should have the left little finger on the bottom, right thumb crossed over the left. Now unfold just your thumbs and press the thumbs together thumbprint to thumbprint. Then unfold your index fingers and press those fingers together print to print. The index fingers in this position represent Jupiter expansion.
2.  Raise your interlaced hands with thumbs together and position them up above your head with your arms rounded. Close your eyes and turn your eyes all the way upward as if you can see to and through the top of your head. Do Long Deep Breathing in this pose for about 1 minute. Then do the Breath of Fire in this pose for 1 minute.
3. Now keep the Breath of Fire going and have your arms out at a 60 degree angle with your palms open and facing up. Feel that your arms are a funnel. That light is streaming into you from above. Receive the blessing of heavens now. Continue the Breath of Fire in this pose for 1 minute.
4. Now inhale deeply and clasp hands together over your head. Hold the breath and contract the lower muscles: rectum, sex organs, and navel, and pull yourself up to elongate your spine. Hold this pose for as long as you can hold your breath.
5. Then relax and have your hands in your lap, both palms facing up on top of one another. Close your eyes and turn your eyes all the way up. See the one sun through the skylight of the skull and have no thoughts. Feel a part of everything. You are the universe. Feel a part of everything. Meditate for a minute in this pose.
6. Now lie on your back and relax in Corpse (Savasana) pose. You did it, now let it be done for you. You have attained a state of completeness. Taste the sweetness of self and relax and let healing happen.